Target Zero

What is Target Zero?
- Target Zero is the vision of Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC). Washington State, in response to roadway safety statistics, adopted a vision of zero traffic related fatalities and serious injuries on Washington’s roadways by 2030.
- Target Zero is the Washington State Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The plan uses data to identify best practices, priorities, and solutions to meet this goal.
- Target Zero is a network of 17 regional managers across Washington State under contract with the WTSC to facilitate the State’s Target Zero Program at the local level and address regional safety concerns.
- Target Zero is building a strong traffic safety culture in our communities.
What is the Target Zero Program?
The Target Zero Program is implemented at a local level by Target Zero Managers in coordination with their regional coalitions. Target Zero Managers and their coalitions use data and available resources to determine the priorities for their region and implement traffic safety efforts such as High Visibility Enforcement, Teens in the Driver Seat, community outreach, media campaigns, and projects to address impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding, seat belt use, child passenger safety, and safety for people who walk or ride bikes. .
Target Zero Managers are responsible for the development, implementation, and overall management of local traffic safety programs to promote positive traffic safety behaviors. They work with local stakeholders to delegate, connect, empower, and convene regional traffic safety coalitions and partners through community engagement, education and outreach, data driven projects, and enforcement activities to change driver behavior and reduce deadly and serious injury traffic crashes.
The CWCOG, acting in its role as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Regional Transportation Planning Organization’s lead agency, is excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with WTSC to staff and facilitate the local Target Zero program. Region 3, defined as Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, and Lewis Counties, has been active since the 2000’s and continues to grow and invest in the communities and people of our area working to improve safety and quality of place for generations to come.
Target Zero Coalition, Region 3
The Target Zero Coalition for region 3 is comprised of stakeholders from law enforcement, public health, community and prevention groups, prosecutors, emergency medical services, fire districts, public transportation, and transportation planning in Cowlitz, Lewis, and Wahkiakum Counties. The Region 3 Coalition, as a whole, meets quarterly to discuss regional safety issues and make decisions regarding programming across all three counties. The coalition also has two task forces – one in Cowlitz and one in Lewis that meet as needed to discuss community specific traffic safety issues and plan events.
No events scheduled at this time.