Planning & Community Development

The CWCOG has provided almost 60 years of community planning services to Cowlitz and Wahkiakum County region. This assistance is provided through contractual agreement for services for member agencies.

Planning services range from long to short-term plans such as neighborhood development plans, county and city comprehensive plans, emergency preparedness, needs assessments, and park plans. Other services include code updates, land development reviews, document research, surveys, grant application development, community visualization, geographic information system (GIS), and mapping tools. The CWCOG also is a depository for regional data such as street networks, transportation data, land use, city limits, critical areas, census data, zoning, and aerial photos.

2020 Census Complete Count Committee

Complete Count Committees (CCC) are volunteer committees established to increase awareness and motivate residents to respond to the decentennial Census. CCCs serve as state and local “census ambassador” groups that play an integral part in ensuring a complete and accurate count of the community in the Census. The success of the census depends on community involvement at every level.

The CWCOG coordinated a Complete Count Committee for the 2020 Census. The Committee included representatives from both Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties. Work for the 2030 Census will begin in 2027.

If you would like more information on the census, please contact the CWCOG here.

Regional Information Forums (RIF)

Regional Information Forums (RIF) are facilitated by the CWCOG under the Regional Community Development program. The Forums provide government agencies, public and private industries, and legislators a platform to jointly discuss regional issues. The Cowlitz RIF is held the second Friday of every other month starting in January, and the Wahkiakum RIF the second Tuesday of every quarter.