Medical Rate Stabilization Pool

The Medical Rate Stabilization Pool is a recognized risk pool based on the combined size of CWCOG participating members. The purpose of the Pool is to provide a larger group from which the underwriters measure and rate the risk factors that drive health insurance benefit premiums. By sharing experience, demographics, and risk factors across a larger pool of participants and by promoting employee wellness, annual rate increases stabilize and allow employers more budgetary control.

Medical Rate Stabilization Committee

The Medical Rate Stabilization Pool program is overseen by the Medical Rate Stabilization Committee. This committee is made of participating member’s policy makers and administrators to which Interwest and Kaiser Permanente report.

Southwest Washington Wellness Committee

In order to be recognized as a risk pool, each participating member organization must agree to support a wellness program within their own agency providing staff to administer and promote active and healthy lifestyle choices. These coordinators in turn participate in the CWCOG SW Washington Wellness Committee; a sub-committee of the CWCOG’s Medical Rate Stabilization Committee. The Wellness Committee designs and recommends activities and programs that promote healthy life style choices improving employee wellness which, in turn, contributes to the stabilization of the experience factors used in the risk assessment.